Why Go?

what makes it a better programming language ?

1 min readAug 17, 2022

“Less is More”

I believe this simple design principle represents what make Go so special.

As we have been learning lots of modern programming languages such as Java and Python, I have felt that they are too powerful and overwhelming to control them the way we want.

I mean, in a nutshell, they’ve got so many capabilities that we can’t even touch base on at all for the long life time of an application development. But in contrast, what’s been so attractive about Go was

It feels so Lightweight”.

Compile time is very short. Building and running an Go app is easy. But flexible enough to build applications for any targeted operating systems with single codebase.

Syntax wise, it’s so simple in terms of writing highly concurrent codes by using techniques such as mutex, channel, and atomic data types.

For example, just for handling an error in Go, we can simply return an error and check it with a conditional statement to decide what to do based on the error.

We don’t have “Try Catch Finally” blah, blah in Go. That simplicity brings consistency and simplicity in code style which I think eventually makes it easier to maintain Readability.




I love problem solving and hate repetition of tedious tasks. I like automating, streamlining, optimizing, things.