- minikube : v1.19.0
- VBox: -v6.1.22r144080
- OS: Mac OS X 10.15.7
Root Cause for not being able to connect to Minikube and VPN in the first place is
VPN is routing all traffics ( even including those ones coming to Minikube API )
Where is the k8s running?
yeongseokkim@YEONGSEOKKIMs-MacBook-Pro ~ % k cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
the Kubernetes cluster is running at CIDR range of
and VPN is intervening all traffics for that IP range. That’s why we are in trouble with Minikube.
As an workaround to overcome this,
Step1. Set port-forwarding for the minikube vm to forward port 8443 on to port 8443 in the VM.
Port Forward Command Line
VBoxManage controlvm minikube natpf1 k8s-apiserver,tcp,,8443,,8443
Step2. Create a new kubectl context and use it when on VPN.
Port Forward Command Line
kubectl config set-cluster minikube-vpn --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify
kubectl config set-context minikube-vpn --cluster=minikube-vpn --user=minikube
Step3. Switch back to the normal minikube context when off VPN.
Port Forward Command Line
kubectl config use-context minikube
Check the result.
yeongseokkim@YEONGSEOKKIMs-MacBook-Pro ~ % k cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Additional Steps. In case you need to mount “host file system” to your Minikube node.
according to this doc, https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/mount/
some hypervisors have built-in host folder sharing.
In my case, for macOS, VirtualBox environment, I am able to take advantage of this feature natively