“The most basic way of programming and running java application in IntelliJ.”

Step1. Click the button + Create New Project
Then, you will see a list of options such as Java, Java FX and etc.
Choose “Java” to create a simple java application and press “Next” leaving the rest of options as it is.

Step2. Check “Create project from template”
and choose “Java Hello World” so that we can scaffold basic project structure to start writing codes in Java and press “Next”.

Step3. Type in project name.
and then press “Finish”.

IntelliJ is going to ask you to agree upon creating the project directory on behalf.

If you go ahead and then click “OK”, it’s going to open up a project window like this.

Step4. Press the button “Run”.
you can see it in the right corner at the top.

Then, it’s going to run the java application that starts process from the main method.

In reality, it looks totally different from the project that I just created from a predefined template. But I believe that this gives a hint to what it looks like about the most basic structure of java application.
What’s Next?
I will be showing how to build an artifact from the simple java application so that I can run it whenever I want as there is no point of keeping the source codes in IDE like IntelliJ only. If you got source codes, you gotta ship it to run.